Thursday, July 31, 2008

How is the EU Perceived in Asia: Media, Public and Elite Perceptions

European Studies in Asia 2008 (Workshop)
How is the EU Perceived in Asia: Media, Public and Elite Perceptions
Bruges, Belgium, on 1-4 September 2008
(deadline 31th July 2008)

Where the Knowledge Management are reorganized for a new direction of Science in Society – Science Communication and Euro Lobbying : Trilogy of technocracy, techno-democracy and creativity of citizens

2000 words short report for the Workshop

The perception of European Elite from European Studies in Asia
- the methodology involved monitoring images of the EU in the media; administering a public opinion survey; and conducting a series of elite interviews.

Technology Assessment, Science in Society, Knowledge Society, GMO, Climate Change, Nuclear/Alternative Energy.

INSTITUTION: Université de Bourgogne CRCMD / NISTEP
ADDRESS: 3-12-2, Sendagi, Bukyo-ku, Tokyo, zip 113-0022 JAPAN
TEL: 81-(0) 3-3827-8098
FAX: 81-81-(0)3-3827-8098



The author have been engaged in the research and investigation program of science communication on scientific and political discourses. The issues in wide scientific programs in international collaboration are investigated under the criteria of public concern to the innovation and investment, which is expressed in terms of "Science in Society" in many European countries and in terms of "socio-economical impact of innovation" closely related to "knowledge society in the 21st century" according to the EU definition. The author is trying to translate the scientific discourse faced to the public as "Trilogy of technocracy, techno-democracy and creativity of citizens". This is a short resume of this research & investigation issued by University of Bourgogne for the doctorate research program.

Where the Knowledge Management are reorganized for a
new direction of Science in Society – Science Communication and Euro Lobbying : Trilogy of technocracy, techno-democracy and creativity of citizens

Shingo Hamada
University of Bourgogne

1. Introduction
Since 2003, the author has been performing a series of research & investigation of Science Communication and Lobbying activities concerned to the scientific discourses and to the public debate on the political decision of technology choice regarding to the sustainable development. In a previous occasion, I have pointed out a modelling schematization of "Socio-Economical Impact of Innovation" in the European Institution for Research and Innovation [1].
This modelling studies have been done by scaling the amount of investment of trans disciplinary empowerment in dynamics and mobility of research investigation issued by the scientific and technological R&D institutions in Europe. There, I have remarked a large public sphere lay down near to higher political body like European Commission just above the national research institutions like CNRS in France and/or MPG in Germany. The second vague sphere is emerging near to the university based grass root people’s community. I called them “Social Trust Sphere” which have potential ability to incubate the socio-technological innovation at the same time when they evoke largely a popular debate on the technology advancement and social change [2, 3].
In doing so, I have also pointed out the communication aspect of innovation and human behaviour adapting to the society changed accompanied by the technological innovation. I called it "Trilogy of technocracy, techno-democracy and creativity of citizens", where the essence of scientific discourses are explained by the non-linear technological evolution compared to the linear process represented by the massive production phases in industrial society, and this non-linear phenomena is most important for understanding the next coming fusion phase of knowledge society.
Here in this paper, I would like to advance my research points on this aspect of Trilogy, and get into further detail of the practical items of the research tools, that is, the Technology Assessment caused by both of civil and scientific communities. And by way of this, I would like to demonstrate the mechanism of merging people, different social-political opinions, social classes in some cases, into aligned direction of innovation, sometimes appearing as cutting edge effect in an age of sustainable development.

2. Technology Assessment intrigued by civil and scientific community
In this research, the public debate, typically known for Technology Assessment issues on the GMO, Climate Change and Nuclear/Alternative Energy, are treated. The Assessment bodies are European public institutions like EPTA, STOA Program, or national parliamentary investigation programs in each member states of EU [4-7].
Scientific institutions in EU are also facing to this public challenge of cutting edges for sustainable R&D, the debate also in heart of scientific communities are focusing on the "Socio-Economical Impact" and on the political procedure of selecting the future planning of R&D.
The term of "Science in Society" is such a keyword [3], which permits any steak holder of innovation to understand that the R&D is on the plate of debate, how large should be the scale of R&D program, how much budget should be for it, who can/should be the technology push actors, how can it be absorbed by the market and in public society, etc.
Now that this movement of technology assessment is well known and largely implicated not only in scientific communities but also in civil society, the many European public governors are conscious to launch the programs of "public involvement" for the activity of foresight of R&D and assessment of the future knowledge society.
Here in the table below, I show the schematic categorization of my research work on social networking of technology assessment and science foresight.
3. Euro Lobbying facing the science communication
Corresponding to this social movements, there are growing communities concerning the innovation in society, mostly from the parts of industrial professional parties, specialized in public relation communication and marketing strategies, called Lobbying or Consulting specialists. Their roll is pushing the decision making people in the society, who are active around the public parliaments mostly located in capital cities in each EU member states, governmental institutions like European Commission in Brussels, European Parliament in Strasburg, even scattered in different local area in EU where the European institutions of R&D are located, CERN in Geneva, ILL in Grenoble, ITER in south France etc.
Since the late 1980s, the EU is facing to the serious international economical and industrial conflicts and most of its cause was market concurrence on high technology and value added products. The EU has turned up to empower the RTD system, the ESPRIT and EUREKA program was such the typical reform effort of the applied science to the product innovation.
The new technology has brought a new civil implication to the relation of technology - society, that is, it adds more reflecting effect to the society. The users and consumers have actively the involvement style in technology innovation; the user development of the software for IST, the environmental effect of the GMO in agriculture has evoked largely a protestant movement to the symbolized "Global Economy"; once the climate change has been recognized in global issues, the citizens regardless to experts or non experts have acted to perform the reduction of GHG (Green House effect Gas) and turned up to exchange the GHG commission all over the world; R&D in the nuclear and alternative energy have been also the object of debate and discussion for changing the future of the society.
According to this feature, any RTD system in EU cannot avoid to face to the reform pressure, mostly for reducing the environmental risks, and partly for the enlarging and reorganizing the benefit of the community. The reform of ESF (Euro Science Foundation) was one of such challenge, where the traditional academic bulk organization cannot any more react to the organizational change to the higher acceleration of the innovation at the same time to reflexive and risk reducing technology and friendly to the environment.
Since 2000, the Lisbon declaration has implicated the European RTD system into handling a pin curve, the voluntary experts of Euroscience Foundation beside the ESF has launched the social improvement, such as reform of ESF to new council body ERC, a head of DG Research Innovation of EC, they have organized the bi-annual meeting ESOF (Euro Science Open Forum) for all the actors of RTD in EU. They reorganized the framework of international cooperation inside EU to a mutually evaluated research exchange ERA-NET, integrated with NoE (Network of Excellence).
In this course, the concept of "Science and Society" has been publicly announced for taking attention of the citizen society, reflecting the social protest to GMO legalization by EU, they have promoted the social dialog between citizen and experts. They have concentrated to research and investigate on the communication study, how the civil society reacts to the scientific discourses.
Compared to United States of America, where the famous industrial Lobbyists are active in Washington D.C. area, mostly for pushing the deputies and senators at national congress and parliaments, the European case is full of variation and there are plenty of study targets. However, we should remark, the US's case is the very typical for advanced industrialized country, where they have abolished the public technology assessment body OTA attached to the US national congress in the early 1990.
The nature of European movement of Technology Assessment in society is still under evolution, one of it's civilized movement is recently known as "Science Café" involving the lay person in the acceptance part of technology but also the main innovation actor "Scientists" and "Engineers" exhibiting their out-reach of R&D programs. Here we see the most traditional type of encounter of the two different actors of innovation in society, the developers and the consumers of new knowledge, that is, science and technology.
Traditionally, the academic research & study is focusing on this encounter and on the dialog between these two, called proliferation of scientific knowledge, or vulgarization of sciences, where the motivation is laying on the methodology of communication for mutual understanding.
In our modern situation of Lobbyists, there are much more complicated things like business negotiation, professional know-how for technology forecasting, accounting and evaluation of socio-economical impact factors, the arts of putting issues on political procedure, etc. but they are mostly based on the human meeting of face-to-face contact.
The RTD institutions in EU are sending the experts for business negotiations to Brussels, Strasburg and other important international commissions. The experts gather near to parliament or government houses and they form the network of "Cabinet of Experts/Consultant". They analyse and examine the industrial demand, sometimes the demand from the consumers, and they push the solution of the problem to the decision makers.
Nowadays, thiese human contacts remain still essential and most important for decision making, especially when the public protestation meets with mass media and the voice reached to the alternation of the decision makers. Although, in a different way, the lobbyist and consultants have developed a more efficient method of communication thanks to Internet technology, which appears very often as a SIG (Special Interest Group) management specifying the debate argue.

4. New Knowledge Management Tools of Science Communication and Euro Lobbying for the knowledge society.
In the course of evolutionary use of internet tools for communicating each others among the SIGs, they have used e-mails, mailing lists, home pages and web edition has become a de facto standard for exchanging communication as quickly as possible among the advanced steak holders.
This technological change in communication is still moving forward, allowing the high mutual interaction of debate and discussion and also intensive archive capacity. This brings the change in human behaviour in organizing the group discussions, management of human ability in a sense of semi-collective/semi-personal behaviour, which is no more less than the linkage to linkage among the expression of ideas and discourses on the theme.
Here the communication style is depending completely on digital formulation, namely, the application tools of software which regroup the debates and discussion on the Social Network Services (SNS).
The European Lobbyists groups have already appeared on some SNS, Facebook is such a popular reputation for younger generation interested socio-political movement in Europe, but not only them, the major public Party like French UMP is going Cyber for enlarging the popular supports of the political initiative.
I focus here the usage of SIG/SNS by the lobbyist groups for reorganizing the social movement which tends to attract the younger generation for suggesting the new direction of future communication on the Internet.

5. Generalized Form of KMT in 21st Century's civil society
The civil society, in the meaning of sociological object, stayed long time as a "silent majority", however does not exist anymore in any anonymous form for contemporary human beings, they are obliged to appear accompanying the form of SIG/SNS to the public, and the marvellous fact is, they are rapidly growing and appearing on the real world same as in cyber world (e-world). Cyber world, contrary to its profane use of the words, is getting more popular and effective in the sense of making public opinions appealing to the decisional process of politics.
The reason why the e-world is getting rigid popularity, is the usage of Internet Technology Web 2.0. This technology permits, traditionally in market sectors, the silent consumer to be active in communicating their products-consumption, and hence make them more visible on the network actors.
The Euro Lobbyists nowadays depend largely on the Web 2.0 communication tools for treating the debate issues on the public discussions. It includes not only for understanding but also marketing and negotiation process for professional objectives [8].
On the other hand, lay person in civil society have also accumulated the knowledge by this internet communication tools, they begin to put their arguments, and even demonstration of their alternative proposal on the internet plat forms common to the specialists and non specialists.
We have admitted diffusion theory of communication as a way of proliferation of scientific and technological discoveries, but in our post modern age, the Lobbying activity is facing to the criteria highly motivated by the transparency and context depended solution by knowledge concentrated communication.
The knowledge society in real and cyber world is much more intensive in investing this knowledge concentrated communication, which is considered to be also a high value added society, the most typical case is the investment in Open Source Ware, often know with a connotation to open innovation, represented Web 3.0 technology and it can be realized by Open University on Internet [10].
By using these Web 2.0 technology and more, the debate on scientific discourses will be empowered further, where the knowledge elitists in Europe would without any ambiguity focus on the specific determination of technology choice in the marketing.

(2098 words)

[1]. "Trilogy of technocracy, techno-democracy and creativity of citizens", oral presentation in 2*th annual meeting of JIES, Chamonix, 2005.
[2]. Recommendation issued by European Union of SSH (Social Science and Humanities) in Science and Technology Research & Development. This guideline is often used by the policy maker inside of EU for coordinating the wide ranged section of Research & Study. 
[3]. Note : The coordination division of “Science in Society” was formerly established as “Science and Society” inside of DG Research Innovation of EU.
[4]. European Parliamentary Technology Assessment
[5]. Science Technology Options Assessment
[6]. OTA Office of Technology Assessment, National Congress of USA
[7]. Office Parlementaire d’Evaluation des Choix Scientifiques et Technologiques
[8]. The Euro Lobbying Groups : Euractiv Welcomeurope Eurosduvillage Notre Euroep Europatermine
[9]. Global Millenium Project : Millenium Assessment World Water Assessment Project
[10]. CEDEFOP/Training Village

Thursday, June 05, 2008


S# Here is the info from ASEF.

Dear ASEF Alumni and Friends,

We are pleased to announce the launch of ASEF’s revamped website portal.

Please log on to, now featuring a contemporary design, enhanced usability and a significantly larger base of content. A new navigation concept and several powerful search engines enable you to easily retrieve information on specific projects, programmes, media clippings and publications. Documents on all pages are linked with each other and facilitate not just quick overviews but also comprehensive understanding of ASEF's activities.

Find out more about ASEF’s history and milestones, our thematic areas of work and the 42 programmes currently run by our four departments.
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We hope you enjoy our new website and look forward to your feedback at

Warm regards,

Asia Europe Foundation (ASEF)

31 Heng Mui Keng Terrace
Singapore 119595
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Science, Communication et Société: Changement du Climat

Science, Communication et Société: Changement du Climat

Voici le lien test track back de la part de trans-research

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Targeting the G8 STP by EU commission

#Targeting the G8 STP by EU commission

The message in English follows the message in Japanese.





時間: 11時:30分 – 15時30分 (12時30分 – 13時30分はビュッフェランチ)

プログラム、発表者、会場、時間に関する詳細の情報は決定次第おってお知らせいたしますが、このイベントに興味がおありかどうか、またどのセッションへ出席の御意向があるかどうか事前に までe-mailでお知らせ頂けますでしょうか?



駐日欧州委員会代表部 科学技術部
フィリップ ド・タクシー・デュ・ポエット
Dear Sir / Madam,

Following his participation in the G8 Science and Technology meeting in Okinawa, Commissioner Potocnik responsible for EU research policy and programme will give a speech at the University of Tokyo on 16 June on EU research policy and S&T cooperation between Europe and Japan.

In addition, useful tools and instruments to fund and stimulate brain circulation and cooperation between Europe and Japan for both students and researchers will be presented, in particular the EU FP7 Marie Curie Actions, ERASMUS Mundus and the Vulcanus programme of the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation.

Also included in the event will be the official launch by Commissioner Potocnik of the network of European researchers working in Japan and the presentation of its foreseen activities.

Here is advanced information on the event which will be completed in the coming days:

Date: Monday 16 June 2008
Programme: (i) Speech by Commissioner Potocnik, (ii) Presentation of tools and funding instruments for brain circulation between Europe and Japan, and (iii) Network of European researchers in Japan
Timing: 11:30 – 15:30 including buffet lunch (12:30 – 13:30)
Venue: The University of Tokyo, Hongo campus, Tetsumon hall
Registration: free of charge
Simultaneous interpretation English-Japanese will be available on the parts (i) and (ii)
Detailed information on the programme, speakers, venue and timing will be sent to you as soon as possible. In the meantime, could you please let me know if you would in principle be interested and available to attend this event?

I would appreciate receiving your feedback by email to
Kind regards,

Dr. Philippe de Taxis du Poët
First Counsellor - Head of Science & Technology Section
European Union - Delegation of the European Commission to Japan
Europa House, 9-15 Sanbancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0075
Tel. +81 (03) 3239 0447 Fax +81 (03) 3261 5194

The information in this message and/or any attachments is intended solely for the attention and use of the named addressee. The content of this e-mail and its attachments is confidential and may be legally privileged. Any use or disclosure is unauthorised and may be unlawful.

If you are not the intended recipient, please delete the message and any attachments and notify the sender of misdelivery. As e-mails are susceptible to alteration, they do not constitute a formal commitment of the European Commission unless confirmed

Friday, March 28, 2008

Issue on FP7 Programme Proposal

#Issue on FP7 Programme Proposal



FP7(欧州連合第七次研究枠組み計画)の「People(人材)」で行われている「国際研究者招聘プログラム(IIF:International incoming fellowships)」の第二回公募が3月19日に開始されました。公募の締め切りは、8月19日です。日本の研究者も、当然ですが応募できます。以下のサイトから詳しい情報を入手し、ご応募ください。
また、同時に、「国際在欧州研究者派遣制度(IOF:International outgoing fellowships)」も公募が開始されましたので、欧州から研究者をお招きしたいのであれば、ご活用ください。以下のページに公募の詳細が掲載されています。

木村 彰
欧州連合 駐日欧州委員会代表部
The information in this message and/or any attachments is intended solely for the attention and use of the named addressee. The content of this e-mail and its attachments is confidential and may be legally privileged. Any use or disclosure is unauthorised and may be unlawful.

If you are not the intended recipient, please delete the message and any attachments and notify the sender of misdelivery. As e-mails are susceptible to alteration, they do not constitute a formal commitment of the European Commission unless confirmed in writing.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Asia-Europe Environment Forum (ENVforum)

The Asia-Europe Environment Forum (ENVforum) has been expanding and is now in its second stage ofdevelopment. As our activities grow, we are seeking to hire an external Coordinator as part of theprogramme.

Please find, attached, the Call. We would be grateful if you could disseminate it to relevantcontacts. Additionally, please find below the call for the Asia-Europe Journal edition onenvironment.Asia Europe Journal

Intercultural Studies in the Social Sciences and Humanities

The Asia Europe Journal (AEJ), the Asia-Europe Foundation’s* scholarly periodical, publishesquarterly interdisciplinary and intercultural studies and research between Asia and Europe.

Call for Papers: “International Co-operation on Environmental Issues: Asian and EuropeanPerspectives” (Vol. 6 No. 2, June 2008)

We are calling for contributions on the above with a comparative or policy oriented focus.Submissions could explore developments in the field of general environmental policies in Europe andAsia (including decision making), or address specific issues like climate change policies,environmental agreements and trade, environment and industry, as well as other relevant topics insustainable development (e.g. water management and marine life, ecological agriculture, sustainableforestry and habitat protection, sustainable energy and transportation etc) on one or both continents. We particularly welcome contributions that explore the potential of co-operation betweenAsia and Europe in these fields.

Papers should be written in English and preceded by a short abstract. The paper should not exceed7000 words. Only previously unpublished manuscripts are accepted for consideration.
Deadline of submission: 31 March 2008
Upon publication, an honorarium of 300 euros will be granted.
Please send your submission in electronic form to

Contact Details:Dr. Albrecht ROTHACHER, Editor-in-ChiefMs. Leonie SCHNEIDER, Editorial AssistantT: +65 6874 9736F: +65 6872 1206E:
The Asia Europe Journal is published by the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) and Springer. Find outmore about the Journal on the web at or
For subscriptions, please contact
* The Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) seeks to promote better mutual understanding and closercooperation between the people of Asia and Europe through greater intellectual, cultural, andpeople-to-people exchanges. These exchanges include conferences, lecture tours, workshops, seminarsand the use of web-based platforms. ASEF has established permanent bi-regional networks focussed onareas and issues that help to strengthen Asia-Europe relations. Further information on theAsia-Europe Foundation including its mission and activities is available at

**The ASEM Education Hub (AEH) is a multidimensional platform for co-operation between Asian andEuropean universities and higher education institutions contributing to a sustainable and equitablebi-regional partnership through active exchange of technology and expertise.

Rahiman Abdullah (Mr)Project Executive for Asia-Europe Environment Forum (ENVforum)31 Heng Mui Keng TerraceSingapore 119595t: +65 6874 9710f. +65 6872 1207Please visit

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Creation of Lobbying with Trans-Research

Creation of Lobbying with Trans-Research

so, it is time to creat the next entrance stage from Trans-Research.

1) Lobbying with Trans-Research
2) Social Technology Consulting with Trans-Research
3) Open Learning Initiative with Trans-Research

For this, on may need the referencial discussion groups, and I found many discussion groups on Facebook. Let's see the groups below, in fact, these are the special interest groups for Lobbying near to the EU Commission (Brussels) and EU Parliament (Strassbourg).

# ICT related Lobbying in FP5,6,7

* FP7 Proposal Writing

* FP7 ICT (Information & Communication Technologies)

* FP7

* Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society

# Lobbying Organizations

ref. site :

* European Union (EU)
ref. site :

* Mouvement Européen France
ref. site :

* Les Jeunes Européens France
ref. site :

* JEF (Jeunes Europeens Federalistes)
ref. site :

* Worst EU Lobbying Awards 2007
ref. site :

* Coulisses de Bruxelles
ref. site :

* For Facebook to create a EUROPEAN UNION network
ref. site :

* Euros du Village
ref. site :

* Campaign for "One Seat" in the European Parliament
ref. site :

* touteleurope (Toute l'Europe)

* eurosduvillage (Euros du Village)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The entrace of phase II from SciCom to Trans Research

# I have created the entrance of step II for incubating the Science Communication to Trans Resarch Coordination.

1. Science Communication Japan

Our mission is to bring the Science Communication activity in world wide propagation.We share the passion and know-hows for Trans Research Cordination starting from Science Communication and Vulgarization, Research Communication to raising Fund and/or Lobbying activities for Research & Society. This group SciCom Japan is incubated from several discussion groups in Japan.

The over all discussion and discussions should be centred on the forum site

2. A group for Moving Around Research Inc. - Using CEDEFOP/Training Village.

Our mission is to propagate the concept of Moving Around Research Inc. to the world wide ranged human activity and to bring the creative mobility to the people for the Sustainable Earth of the 21th Century. Please join us and enjoy the group.

Web 2.0 and community based research for vocational training by CEDEFOP

Mobility program of LEONARDO for life long education
The archives of parts of discussion retrieved to the site below

Well, the naming of 2. is not just fitted, maybe while some consideration after, it would be changed, but the concept remains the same.

This entrance is still under development, where many different approaches in different languages are needed. So, I set the lifting procedures which can be developped by using the distance learning methode. See below ;

How to relate the "Science & Society" to Sustainable Development starting from STS to Wikiversity & (v.s.) Open Learning ?

* STS on Wiki

* Wikiversity

* Open Learning
1. Open University in UK
2. CNED in France
3. FernUni Hagen in Germany
4. UniNettUno in Italie
5. UNED in Spain
6. Open University in Japan

Thursday, January 03, 2008

The Phase One ended up for internal incubation

The Phase One has ended up for internal incubation. I have finished the knowledge transfert process of Science Communication to the Trans Research Coordination.
The Science Communication itself has many interdisciplinary branches and connection styles to the other proper disciplines. I call it, "Applicational Science Communication" which anyone can practice and shave the know-hows depending on the reality of Science, Technology and Society.

My role in the Phase One was, to articulate the fondamental philosophy and thoughts for starting the Science Communication. It means, to develope the essential theory and frame work of the activity of Science Communication.

In my view, the Science Commuincation is connected very naturally to the concept of "Trans Research", this mention is also very often argumented from the side of STS researchers, but not only in the sense of Research Policy, it is very fundamental, to view the harmoney of Science Technology with the Social Science and Humanity.

It belongs, may be a little bit poetically, to the harmonious vision of the human kind, a Poet, that the human kind has rediscovered the unity of the knowledge from the collapsing old era at the Renaissance age.

I do not know yet, to what extent I can go, but for the moment, I like to explore this way, to try to rediscover the human dignity of our knowledges, where it may go, I will follow the way. It does not mean that I forget the SciCom, I appreciate their activities very much.

So, we will have chance for sure, in other style of communication, in other countries, may be in other approaches, and I hope we can exchange the ideas what so ever where we meet us.

Have good time, eveybody in SciCom.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Building Groups for Science Communication in SNS all over the world

Super, I found many groups and discussion communities for Science Communication on different SNS site. Among those, I found [facebook] is most credible for information quality and group building, next to this, [orkut] from Brazil is not bad, and [vkontakte] from Russia is also my findings. Of course, on japanese SNS [mixi], there exists already such communities.

I created a group "Science Communication Japan" on [facebook].

* Ref) SNS in the world.
[yahoo 360]