Date, Place, Division:
11/Apr.2006, NISTEP-MEXT, STFC
ADDRESS: Meyerhofstrasse 1, Heidelberg, Germany D-69117
TEL: +49-6221-387-493
NAME & INSTITUTION: HAMADA Shingo (Affiliated Fellow)
ADDRESS: 2-5-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, zip 100-0005 JAPAN
TEL: 81-(0) 3-3581-0605
FAX: 81-81-(0)3-3503-3996
Objective and theme :
The Art of Building Bridges: Outreach Activities at the EMBL' discussed in terms of Interdisciplinary coordination and research management - its outcome as Science Communication and relevance to the Science and Technology Policy
Documents to be consulted :
Delphi Investigation Report, Foresight Research of Socio-Economical Impact
In this talk I will present a number of outreach activities that have developed at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germany since the 1990s, its Science and Society Programme in particular. The aim of the Science and Society initiative at EMBL is to promote a better and broader understanding of the growing social and cultural relevance of the life sciences. We organize a variety of activities and events where members of our scientific community, scholars from other disciplines as well as members of the public meet to engage in a dialogue.
The life sciences have an enormous potential for further development and practical applications. However, a popular consensus needs to be developed around questions of how to assess and deal with the diverse repercussions of that development. More than ever, there is a need for interdisciplinary dialogue to inspire synthetic insights and a common worldview. The new ways in which science is now being applied for the production of knowledge and economic wealth must be carefully adjusted to public interests and the value system in each society. It is the common responsibility of all, scientists as well as non-scientists, to engage in an ongoing process of carving out a shared understanding of science. Our outreach efforts at the EMBL, that I will present in more details in my talks, are motivated by such concerns.
The part below is proposed as a dialog by person 2
In the recent policy research on STS activities, interdisciplinary approach is more and more emphasized for targeting the socio-economical impact of research and development. Impact as innovation, social value assessment, regulatory behavior, creativity, and also SSH values ; these are comprehensive quest for "Science and Society". We aim to discuss these points from the view of interdisciplinary coordination in research and development.
* STS (Science, Technology and Society) * SSH (Social Science and Humanities)
Texts in blue are added by Person 2.
The provisional dialog from NISTEP
- EMBL is one of the Large Facility of Science and Technology (EIRO) and Basic Research based on EU funds, is this more and more growing ?
- In EU, there are other large facility (big institution, like CERN, ESO, ESRF, ILL, ESDF), how do you find your position in this frame, and also in FP6 ?
- Recently EU DG Research & Innovation is launching the "Science & Society" program, how do you relate your activity to it ?
- In the recommendation of this program (S&S), interdisciplinary approach is emphasized, how to you estimate this approach in your practice ?
- Outside of EIRO, there is a social concern (principle of precaution, citizen involved research agenda, co-evolution of technology and society) to the technology innovation, how do your activity respond to this ?
- How do you (pre)evaluate the EU's policy for SSH implication in RTD (document **), according to you Lab ?
- How do you tell us the Germany's atmosphere of "Science and Society" compared to other countries ?
(**) European Research Advisory Board, The Social Sciences and the Humanities in the 7th Framework Program
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