The Asia-Europe Environment Forum (ENVforum) has been expanding and is now in its second stage ofdevelopment. As our activities grow, we are seeking to hire an external Coordinator as part of theprogramme.
Please find, attached, the Call. We would be grateful if you could disseminate it to relevantcontacts. Additionally, please find below the call for the Asia-Europe Journal edition onenvironment.Asia Europe Journal
Intercultural Studies in the Social Sciences and Humanities
The Asia Europe Journal (AEJ), the Asia-Europe Foundation’s* scholarly periodical, publishesquarterly interdisciplinary and intercultural studies and research between Asia and Europe.
Call for Papers: “International Co-operation on Environmental Issues: Asian and EuropeanPerspectives” (Vol. 6 No. 2, June 2008)
We are calling for contributions on the above with a comparative or policy oriented focus.Submissions could explore developments in the field of general environmental policies in Europe andAsia (including decision making), or address specific issues like climate change policies,environmental agreements and trade, environment and industry, as well as other relevant topics insustainable development (e.g. water management and marine life, ecological agriculture, sustainableforestry and habitat protection, sustainable energy and transportation etc) on one or both continents. We particularly welcome contributions that explore the potential of co-operation betweenAsia and Europe in these fields.
Papers should be written in English and preceded by a short abstract. The paper should not exceed7000 words. Only previously unpublished manuscripts are accepted for consideration.
Deadline of submission: 31 March 2008
Upon publication, an honorarium of 300 euros will be granted.
Please send your submission in electronic form to
Contact Details:Dr. Albrecht ROTHACHER, Editor-in-ChiefMs. Leonie SCHNEIDER, Editorial AssistantT: +65 6874 9736F: +65 6872 1206E:
The Asia Europe Journal is published by the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) and Springer. Find outmore about the Journal on the web at or
For subscriptions, please contact
* The Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) seeks to promote better mutual understanding and closercooperation between the people of Asia and Europe through greater intellectual, cultural, andpeople-to-people exchanges. These exchanges include conferences, lecture tours, workshops, seminarsand the use of web-based platforms. ASEF has established permanent bi-regional networks focussed onareas and issues that help to strengthen Asia-Europe relations. Further information on theAsia-Europe Foundation including its mission and activities is available at
**The ASEM Education Hub (AEH) is a multidimensional platform for co-operation between Asian andEuropean universities and higher education institutions contributing to a sustainable and equitablebi-regional partnership through active exchange of technology and expertise.
Rahiman Abdullah (Mr)Project Executive for Asia-Europe Environment Forum (ENVforum)31 Heng Mui Keng TerraceSingapore 119595t: +65 6874 9710f. +65 6872 1207Please visit
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
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